Weavings, creative and unconventional material combinations define the luxuriant work of Thuy-Ha Bui, stylist and visual artist of Vietnamese origin. Several years spent in Egypt. along with a career in fashion and high end design, complement this rich personality always in search of new and unusual textures.
Tissages, associations de matières créatives et décalées caractérisent le travail luxuriant de Thuy-Ha Bui, styliste plasticienne d’origine vietnamienne. Plusieurs années en Egypte et un parcours professionnel dans la mode et la décoration haut de gamme complètent cette riche personnalité toujours en quête de textures originales.
Egypt, Vietnam, France, are the iconic countries of a rich career in design, volume and staining. Today, Stéphane Declercq makes available his chromatic horizons in any living space. Art in all its forms remains his chosen field and as such his way of life.
Egypte, Vietnam, France, pays emblématiques d’un parcours riche d’expériences dans la création, le volume et la mise en teinte. Stéphane Declercq décline aujourd’hui ses horizons chromatiques dans des espaces de vie. La création sous toutes ses formes reste son domaine de prédilection et son chemin de vie.
Colorist, fashion and graphic designer, Tom Boa provides his expertise in terms of trends and brand image to all actors of the fashion and design world. He also creates everyday objects that blend functionality, aesthetics, and uniqueness. His motto : fulfilment always feeds on differences.